Friday, March 20, 2009

This one time

This one time I was at a concert and this guy in the mosh pit flipped over a couch that was on the side when he was pushed by some really big dude. This other time I was going to a concert and they canceled it without telling anybody so on the way home my Friend and I were made fun of by this group at McDonald's. This other time I was at a concert there was this guy in the mosh pit who got elbowed in the face and he got blood all over his shirt. This other time I was at a concert and the band threw a free CD and it hit somebody in the face. So the best advice I have ever gotten was don't go in the mosh pit. ; )


  1. I know. I got yelled at in the mosh pit. some dude got mad at me.

  2. yah this one time i was at this concert and they put water in the mosh pit and i was slippin all ove the place
