Friday, May 22, 2009

How My Life Would Be Different If I Were a Twin

I I were a twin, then I would probably share a room, unless I had a twin sister. I would probably get mixed up on our clothes, so that could be awkward. If we didn't like the same music than we would probably fight over music. we would probably fight over who gets the car during the weak end. I'm kinda glad I'm not a twin.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009




This one time, my youth group went to a retreat. I was too lazy to raise the money, so I stayed home. So when the youth group came back (on April 1st) the leaders decided to pull a prank. They said that the pool was contaminated and every one that swam in it was infected. They said that the only way to cure it was to put a certain mask with some sort of paste (guacamole) before the symptoms started. When we finally told them they got so mad at us, it was really funny.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Someone That Inspires Me

(note* this is a blog that I made in school and they tell me what to write about) The guitarist from The Devil Wears Prada. The band not the movie and if you don't know who that is look them up. I like some of the beat downs that he does. If you don't know what a beat down is stop reading and go do something else. I also like how clearly he can do pinch harmonics (squeals). He inspired me to play the guitar, so I did.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things I'm Looking Forward To

This summer I'm looking forward to tons and tons of concerts. I live by this place called 3j's. It is a coffee house and they also have a lot of local bands (most of it is hardcore). I'm also looking forward to going to California. My grandparents live there and so every summer we go there visit them they live in Santa Cruz (where I was born, I don't live there now).

Things I liked and/or Hated About the School Year

Things I liked Some of the things I liked was the hot lunch that we finally got this year. I also liked the early release that we get every first and third Monday.
Things I hated Well this year I got in trouble for having my hair too long. There was nothing in the dress code except for a rule that says "teachers have the right to say if something is inappropriate". They did that 3 times this year. Oh, and if you are bored go to .

Wednesday, May 6, 2009